With a well-managed business, sooner or later we can reach the point where our domestic market is not enough. We then start to think about reaching out to customers abroad. Currently, the majority of businesses are striving to expand their operations into more familiar western markets. However, this means that we are battling to succeed in environments that are already highly competitive. So why not try something different, and start operating in an area of real money and less competition? If you are ready to make money where others have not yet started to look, the “Business in Africa” seminar will show you how to make a profit in Africa.
October 17–18, 2015 in Warsaw (map)
Origins of the seminar
ASBIRO began its involvement in Africa in 2011, when one of our speakers, Father Jacek Gniadek, invited us to Zambia, where he worked as a missionary in a parish of the capital, Lusaka. After our visit we were surprised at thefantastic business opportunities available in countries such as Zambia. So, in cooperation with Father Jacek, we decided to build an education centre in Lusaka consisting of a nursery, a school and a university. This investment aims to promotebusiness development in the local area, and to allow the area to be more dependent on its own inventiveness and hard work, instead of having to rely on the alms that for years have been ruining Africa.
Achievements in Zambia
So far during our involvement in Lusaka we have sent several groups of volunteers and engaged companies and organisations to help us complete construction of the nursery. We have also sent containers with several tonnes of materials used in the construction and furnishing of the nursery. Today, we can say that the first stage of our African operations has been successful. During the seminar, Father Jacek Gniadek will explain the achievements thus far, andthe future prospects of this project.You will also learn how you can become a part of this project.
Economic myths about Africa
Over these last few years working in Africa what we have learnt about Africa has not matched what we had heard. Western news about the 'Dark Continent’mainly evokes associations with poverty and hunger. It cannot be denied that poverty is part of the continent’s scenery, but it does not affect all countries. According to Bloomberg, the African economy is the second fastest developing in the world (with Kenya and Nigeria at the forefront), second only to Asia. Entrepreneurs wanting to succeed cannot ignore this robustly developing region with over one billion inhabitants.
Africa = opportunities
An increasing number of Polish businesspeople are noticing opportunities for business partnerships with Africa. Participants of the Africa-Central Europe Economic Cooperation Forum described real profit attaining a 30% return on investment in African markets. With thespeed of its business development, it is often difficult to keep track of all the changes; and this creates excellent opportunities for effective businesses with the ability to adjust to the development dynamics of African economies, where new business models are adopted in the blink of an eye. Comparing Western countries to Africa, you can get the impression that in western countries new business and cooperation models are discussed, while in Africa each new idea translates into concrete action.

A market not only for big business
Although business in Africa may bring to mind the extraction of the continent’s abundant mineral resources, and thus the involvement of large corporations, current economic development isalso creating numerous business opportunities for smaller companies. There is still a significant demand for good quality internet services in Africa, and this is an important opportunity for local Polish companies to shine. Furthermore, the internet services market continues to expand, and the demand of companies and institutions for cost-reducing applications for both administration and operations continues to grow. In addition to this, the real estate market continues to develop, and in some countries its value has increased by about 400% due to the business involvement of foreign investors. We should also not forget about those sectors for which Africa is still famous – agriculture and tourism offer great development opportunities for foreign companies.
Get to know the African business environment, and succeed
Knowledge of African opportunities alone will not result in success. Understanding the local cultural, economic, political and social environment is of crucial importance. Such knowledge is best gained from people who have already operated in Africa and worked with African companies. Such businesspeoplecanhelp us understand howto avoid certain mistakes while expanding our business operations in African markets, and how to best exploit opportunities in order to maximise the profitability of our partnerships.
The “Business in Africa” seminar is only the beginning
The best way to learn the practical side of operating a business in Africa is to go there and spend some time with local businessmen and people working with African companies. To ensure that seminar participants are comprehensively prepared to start business operations in Africa, ASBIROhas prepared a trip “Get to know business in Zambia”, to learn and understand the realities of business in Africa, including establishing contacts with local businesspeople.
For details of the Zambia trip, go to: https://www.asbiro.pl/wyjazdy/poznaj-biznes-w-zambii/
Meet people who have succeeded in Africa
We have invited people who used to operate or are still operating in the African market to give talks at our seminar. During the seminar you will meet businesspeople and economists – people with extensive experience and knowledge that will definitely be of use to you!
Why organise the “Business in Africa” seminar?
Polish companies have an enormous business potential which they can also use abroad, without limiting themselves to European markets. Furthermore, the current situation in many African countries can be compared to the situation in Poland at the beginning of 1990s, which many enterprising people translated into great successes for their companies. Today we can use these unique opportunities outside Poland, leveraging our rich experience of the development of capitalism in our own country.
The “Business in Africa” seminar will take place at ASBIRO University on October 17–18, 2015.
During the seminar you will learn how to establish business contacts in Africa and translate them into a profit for your company. Participating in this event you will not only hear African success stories, but also learn how to find your way in African markets through knowledge of local business and cultural conditions.
Our previous seminars
Below you will find a short overview of our last seminar “How to find and retain valuable employees” and the winter seminar “Business and Family”. Please be aware that our seminars are always fully booked, and registration often has to close early.
Please visit our Youtube channel for ASBIRO videos, including coverage of our events, construction of the school in Africa and several complete talks.
What to expect at the “Business in Africa” seminar
The “Business in Africa” seminar will be divided in two parts, helping you to better understand business realities in Africa and how to leverage them.
1) During the first part of the seminar we will learn how people function in Africa, and how local cultural, economic, and social environment can help to increase the effectiveness of business operations for partners from other parts of the world.
2) In the second part you will learn how businessmen from Poland and from African countries have effectively implemented and are implementing business projects in Afica, and how you can draw on their experience, to get involved in business operations in Africa.
What will you learn at the “Business in Africa” seminar?
Subjects to be discussed during the seminar:
- How to establish contacts with business partners in Africa
- What relations should be established with local authorities
- How local authorities can help you in your business operations
- Which sectors of African economies offer the best business opportunities
- Mistakes to avoid when starting a business in Africa
- How ASBIROis successfully implementing educational projects in Zambia
- The African economic environment and how to leverage it
- Greatest current African needs in terms of economic development
- Which products and services offered by African companies can contribute to business development
Why is the “Business in Africa” seminar worthwhile?
Here are several reasons why it is worthwhile to participate in our seminar:
- You will find information on the above points.
- You will be able to reach African customers and partners, which may lead to real business projects bringing in additional profit for your company.
- You will learn the cultural background of African countries, and thus be able to operate effectively in Africa.
Who is the seminar intended for?
If you manage or wish to manage a prospering company, our seminar will show you how to expand your business into African markets, which can translate into significant profits and satisfaction with your company’s operations. An investment of a few hundred zlotys to attend the seminar can lead to profits of hundreds of thousands of zlotys.
Places are limited
For our previous seminar, “How to find and retain valuable employees”, we were forced to close registration two weeks before the event due to the level of interest. If you want to learn how to make a profit in Africa, don’t wait until the last moment, or it might be too late.